Monday, September 21, 2009


What in the world is a worldview? Supposedly Christians are suppose have ideals different from everyone. 'In the world, but not of the world'. So what does that really mean? How do we separate ourselves from the rest of the world? We are bombarded with visional information which may or may not be good for us. Take all the sex that happens in movies now a days. Or all the swearing. Or even all of the anti-Christian media.
What is anti-Christian media you might ask? Well this is something that is really obvious to me as a Christian but might be really hard for a Non-Christian to realize it is going on. History has made 'Christian' nations Historically bad. Christians are anti everything. Theatre, art, music, science, and politics. What so many do realize is that Christians have, Historical, been the center of Theatre, art, music, science and politics.
In the middle ages most of the theatre was done by churches or for church events. Some of the greatest minds in science were christians and had a Christian 'World view.' Some of the greatest art is in Churches, just look at all the different scenes from the bible that we consider great pieces. Or the music that the church paid for or was created for the church. And politics. Well do you really have to look past Wilberforce or any of the Founding Fathers of the USA?
(And all of the Founding Fathers grew up going to Church, it was a law. So you can say that they were not Christians. Many, like Adams and Washington had very strong faith. They simply had the foresight to want religion to be a freedom, a choice. There were already a mix of Catholic, Jews, and Protests. Those that did not go to the 'state' Church had to pay a tax. Can you imagine that continuing today? I think we are all thankful that we can choose our own faith to follow.)
So what is a Christian world view? It is a mixture of love for our neighbors and enemies, wisdom, and pure goodness. Not that any of us are perfect. But we need to love people enough to do for them as we would ourselves. We need to have wisdom enough to be up to date with the times, yet good enough to not get caught up in that which is bad.
I pray that at some point I can get it right.

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