Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The reason for this blog

I'm writing this, well because I need to write something. There is too much happening in this world to keep quiet about. As my title says, this blog will be for my thoughts on Politics and faith, and more then likely my hopes and dreams for my own future.

I will not make apologies for what I say here. Why should I apologies for my thoughts? They are mine. In a world of strong beliefs in nothing and everything, I feel, I should break the mold and just say stuff. (Even if it is shit)

Politically I am very uncomfertable with what is happening at the moment. The Healthcare bill scares me. Here I am a 23 year old, I don't want some politician deciding whether or not I can make some kind of medical decision. I want my doctor to make those decisions, not some politician, definably not those I did not vote for. And of course the main problem is that the republican party has been wondering around wondering around as if they have lost their heads.

Of course if we had listened to G. Washington, we would not have parties. I really think that Parties is the main reason we have some many problems. Like Washington said at his farewell address in 1796 'However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.'

I wish that Politicians could actually vote as the majority that put them in office, instead of how their party votes. Or rather how lobbyists and the media think they should. Perhaps then, maybe they would actually get something done.

This is of course leading to something else that is constantly on my mind. The media. If you don't read or listen to it, you never know anything. And yet, the bent is always either to the left or right. Never can we suppose get the information we need, without worrying about whether we are getting the whole truth. Media is always bent and the only truth we get is the truth that helps what ever side we are to follow without thinking. We are not suppose to think for ourselves.

And yes I believe in truth.

Well perhaps that is enough ranting for one night... more to come.

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