Monday, September 14, 2009


Politics... I don't know whether to just give up and go along like the rest or to stay as myself. If I had not read so much about futuristic societies were everyone is brain washed into thinking and acting just as they are told, I would go along. (It would be easier) I could talk about several different books with a rather scary view of our future. And sometime I don't think we are that far away.
We don't have any truth, or the truth is only what you think it is, and if someone else has a different idea, than that idea is no better or worse then anyone else's. I think life would be so much easier if people actually believed in absolute truth. I believe in absolute truth. But that does not help the poor kid who can't understand why she can't do drugs or down load music illegally.
What is the reason of any morals if we don't have any as a society. Our government operates in the red. No wonder we have finical meltdown. And it is no wonder that we have not managed to 'fix' the system yet either. If our own government, the women and men that we have elected to office, can't run a organization without running into debt, why should we expect people to have morals?
This is a problem which we can put not only on the backs of almost everyone in elected office, but also everyone who voted for them, or decide not to vote at all. For it is not really the government officials who get to decide things, rather us the people. But we have forgotten that we actually have the power. In order to control us, we have been told the lie that we do not have any choice in the matter, that the system is the system and that we have no say in the issue.
You and I have bought into that lie, and its time we wake up. Was it not V in V for Vendetta that quotes Guy Fox, "People should not be afraid of their government, Government should fear the people.
Or if you are a history buff, like my mum, the idea of 'Do not tread on me'. Well enough ranting for one night. (And thank you to for the pic below)


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