Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Drawing the Line?

I was reminded this morning of the horrors of War. A solder hit in the stomach with shrapnel. Now what does that make you feel? Anger at the person who set the bomb that did it? Anger at the government that put that soldier in the war in the first place? Anger that we all can live in peace? Do you feel pity for the person who set it or the person who might die because of it?

Whether or not you believe we should be at war or not. We still need to care for those who have been in that war because they care enough to put their lives in danger for all of us. If you live in the USA pray or do something nice today for someone in the arm services, without them we would not have the freedom to disagree or agree with any war. And for all you who are in the armed services thank you.

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